Tag Archives: sober
Maine State Police and Maine State Troopers Foundation Design a Commemorative Plate to Benefit MADD

The Maine State Police and Maine State Troopers Foundation (MSTF) are teaming up once again to raise awareness and funds for non-profit organizations.
For 2023, they chose to design a Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) plate. MSTF has partnered with MADD to help raise awareness about impaired driving. MADD was founded in 1980 by Candice Lightner, a mother in California who started the nonprofit following the death of her daughter, who was killed by an impaired motorist. The organization aims to stop this dangerous activity and support those who are affected by it.
“The problem of impaired driving is not going away,” said Bob Garguilo, MADD New England Executive Director. “Drunk driving is still a 100% preventable crime, but the number of fatalities related to impaired driving has increased significantly in recent years across the country. Traffic crashes are a deadly and costly threat to Maine families and visitors to the state. “
Last year in Maine there were more than 1,200 impaired driving crashes resulting in 46 fatalities and more than 2000 personal injuries.
“Driving impaired is a reckless and dangerous choice that puts everyone on the roadway in danger,” said Col. William Ross of the Maine State Police. Driving impaired is also a serious crime law enforcement officers in Maine do not take lightly. Plan ahead, don’t drink and drive and have designated driver to get you home safely.”
“Impaired driving crashes are not accidents, but rather choices,” said Bureau of Highway Safety Director Lauren Stewart. “There is a proper time and place for everything, and if you are using alcohol, cannabis, illegal drugs, or even impairing prescription drugs, the responsible choice is to not get behind the wheel.”
There has been a long-standing partnership and commitment between the Troopers Foundation and State Police to help raise awareness to issues or causes that we know our troopers and retirees can proudly stand behind. MADD is one of them.
“Each day, law enforcement throughout the state arrest impaired drivers but they also see the devastation and lasting impacts to families caused by this senseless and preventable act,” said Sgt. Aaron Turcotte of the MSTF. As we begin entering the summer months, we hope these plates will serve as a strong message to those considering driving impaired.
The danger of impaired driving is a daily reminder for State Troopers who work out of the Troop F Barracks in Houlton. The Barracks is located on Darcie Drive, named for Darcie Hutchinson, a young woman who was killed in a drunk driving crash in 2001. Her parents who formally owned the property donated a portion of the land Darcie loved to the people of Maine.
The plates have been authorized to be displayed on Maine State Police cruisers for the month of June. They will be auctioned off by the MSTF at a later date to raise funds for families who had been impacted by drunk driving crashes.
A press conference will be held on Wednesday, May 31st at 11 am at the Department of Public Safety, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
At Mothers Against Drunk Driving, we’re focused on one goal: ending impaired driving for good. Since our founding, we’ve served as a lifeline for thousands of victims and survivors, and drunk driving fatalities have been cut in half – but we refuse to stop here. Together, we can end this 100% preventable crime. For more information visit www.MADD.org
The Maine State Troopers Foundation
The Maine State Troopers Foundation was formed as a not-for-profit independent arms-length organization in 1994 with the purpose of supporting the work of Maine State Police troopers across Maine who tirelessly and voluntarily develop, assist and offer outreach to coordinate programs with local community groups in an effort to enhance the lives of Maine youths and citizens. For more information visit www.mainestatetroopersfoundation.org